Friday, June 13, 2008

Andover, MA

So DAY ONE of official cycling has ended. The first two days, when we were in Revere, MA, were spent orienting ourselves/benefiting from donated Italian food from the North End/learning to enjoy sleeping on the floor. The people of St. Anthony's, where we stayed in Revere, were extremely kind. One of the women said to us (and I quote): "My granddaughter is about to graduate high school. I would be proud if she turned out like you young people." We all started crying. On a related note, my trip is overwhelmingly female. 25 women outnumber the 8 men on our trip. So this trip should be one long extremely hard core slumber party. In any case, our first day of cycling, though not very long, was momentous. We walked over to Revere Beach and ceremoniously dipped our tires in the Atlantic Ocean, coming to the almost overwhelming realization that we would be reaching the other side of this country by the end of the summer. The ride itself was short (about 23 miles) and slow-going. We are still learning how to ride in such an enormous mass, so slow and steady is the name of the game for now. When we reached Andover, we came to the swanky swanky middle school in which we were staying, and went for a quick swim in a nearby pond (in our bike clothes, of course. Sanitary? Perhaps not.).
Other important things that have happened recently:
1. I named my bike BB King.
2. I developed an increasingly pronounced bikers tan.
3. I mistakenly brought a much smaller bag than I was allowed to bring and struggle everyday to fit my stupid stupid thermarest inside.
4. I have tried at least 6 different types of Cliff bar, and Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch is still my favorite.

** Check for uploaded photos of us (and by us I mean me)!!!

1 comment:

Matthew Ball said...

Katie, your bike has a great name.