Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You're Doing Fine, Oklahoma

In an unexpected twist, Oklahoma has become my favorite state to bike through so far. Yes, that's right. Oklahoma. Riding through Kansas and into Oklahoma on our first day, we spent a glorious afternoon swimming and frolicking through sunflower fields. Oh, and biking. Though slightly hillier than I expected (this is largely because I had images of pancake-flat riding) and as hot as the surface of the sun, Oklahoma has by far exceeded all expectations. It even has armadillos! I have yet to see a live one, but the amount of them I see on the road leads me to believe that they are plentiful, and that I may have a chance to see one before leaving their territory. My worst experience in this state has been my epic huge mistake to stay up late watching "No Country for Old Men" in Vinita, OK (Birthplace of Dr. Phil. Bit of trivia.). It was a mistake for several reasons: a. Javier Bardem is really creepy in a haunting way and under no circumstances should be viewed before sleeping b. Watching people being needlessly ed by a serial killer in a countryside much like the one I am riding through did not sit well with me the next day c. Well, I guess it was just two reasons. It actually is a really good movie. The days have also been very short recently. This is, I suppose, a welcome respite, but given that I know we are gearing up for some long painful days in the Southwest, the break is bittersweet.


Sage said...

I hear that another animal is almost twice as plentiful in Oklahoma as the armadillo: the opossum. As you run from its piercing red gaze and its bloodstained fangs, be sure to watch out for its compatriot in crime, the Vaudeville T-rex. Though at this point you're probably prepared to do battle with a T-rex - I can envision much kicking and useless flailing of the atrophied arms as you fight to the death.

Fish said...

So you still haven't exactly justified why OK was your favorite state. Talk to me.

Fish said...

it's just alicia btw. in the process of making a blog for our trip.