Tuesday, August 5, 2008

One Pretty Big Hole

Rolling into the Grand Canyon was momentous. We stayed on the South Rim, which is apparently the highly trafficked section, because I honestly have not heard so many different languages being spoken in such a condensed area on any other part of my journey so far. On our first night, we set up camp, watched the sunset over the Canyon, and then roasted marshmallows over the campfire. It was a lovely night and since the sky was clear many of us decided to sleep outside. It was really beautiful and I slept well except for when I periodically woke up panting and had to look inside my sleeping bag for tarantulas. Apparently at one point I sat up in my sleeping bag and started frenzying until my friend Lindsay convinced me that there were no tarantulas on my face. Having no recollection of this, I contest that it ever happened.
The next day, we slept in (until dawn) and went for a short hike into the Canyon. Since we have a habit, at this point, of taking at least 3 liters of water, several snacks, and a change of shoes with us everywhere, we were probably the most (over)prepared hikers on our trail. After some breathtaking views, we trudged back up the side of the Canyon, learning the hard way that walking places actually takes a lot longer, and settled down for second breakfast at the Canyon Cafe.
The rest of the day was spent enjoying such luxuries as napping, reading a NY Times, and playing cards in the tent while it rained.
Overall, a very satisfying Grand Canyon trip.
Oh, and only 10 days until Santa Barbara. Wow.

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